East Anglia Books

077201 - WRNS: The Women's Royal Naval Service

By Neil R Storey

From cooks and clerks to weapons analysts and air mechanics, generations of women have served in the Wrens (Women's Royal Naval Service or WRNS). The Royal Navy was the first of the UK armed services to admit women during the First World War with the purpose of freeing up a man to go to sea by giving his job to a trained female worker. Disbanded in 1919, the Wrens were reinstated on the outbreak of the Second World War. This book focuses on the work and experiences of Wrens during the two world wars, introducing the kinds of jobs they performed and the places where they served. It contains poignant accounts from the women themselves, along with contemporary images of the Wrens in action and modern photographs of their uniforms, badges and insignia.

Format Softback
Pages  64pp
Publication Date Available Now!

45 b/w and 13 colour illustrations

Width (mm) 150
Height (mm) 210
Dust Jacket No


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