East Anglia Books

511112 - THE ROAD FROM SARAJEVO: British Army Operations in Bosnia 1994-1996


By Brigadier Ben Barry

The savage Bosnian civil war was ended politically by the Dayton Peace Agreement. But this had to be implemented on the ground by NATO. How this was done by Second Battalion the Light Infantry is explained as never before in a richly detailed analysis of dangerous and challenging missions. The challenges of military operations in the war-torn Balkans are illustrated with vivid descriptions of operations and incidents, often in the words of the soldiers themselves. Writing in the Foreword the BBC journalist Martin Bell summarises their role: ?The troops risked their lives to save the lives of others. I remember reflecting, not for the first time, on the extraordinary quality of the British troops participating, on the dangers they faced across a mine-strewn landscape, and on the unique and unprecedented nature of the task before them. They interpreted their mandates bravely.


Format Softback
Pages 328
Publication Date

February 2016


32pp colour, 62 colour illustrations

Width (mm) 156
Height (mm) 234
Dust Jacket  


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