East Anglia Books

421124 - SCAPA FLOW: Home of the Royal Navy 1939 - 1945

Authors Krzysztof Kubiak.  Illustrator Robert Panek, Witold Koszela

Because of its great distance from German airfields, Scapa Flow was again selected as the main British naval base during the Second World War.

For the war, Scapa Flow remained a very busy naval base, with it serving as a staging point for Arctic Convoys to northern Russia, for example. The military base at Scapa Flow remained in use until 1956.

The book presents the detailed history of the naval base during World War II.

Many photos and maps help readers explore history of this Royal Navy base.


Format Paperback
Pages 96
Publication Date



many photos

Width (mm) 220
Height (mm)


Dust Jacket No
ISBN 978-83-66549-03-6



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